Over 200 entrepreneurs and their businesses were highlighted in Portraits of Prosperity 2023 and 2024.

Business: El Campo es Leña
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Elmer Luciano Arroyo
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Facebook and Instagram: @elcampoesleña.
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Entre las montañas
- Photographer: Yesmar Z. Brebán Arroyo
Business: Pausa Café & Restaurante
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Joselito
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Pausa Café & Restaurant
- Phone Number: 787-447-1576
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Una Pausa para Café y Cultura
- Photographer: Annabelle M. García Galloza – Escuela Superior Dr. Carlos González, 12th grade
Aguas Buenas
Business: ARID Construction
- Industry: Construction
- Entrepreneur: Daniel Iván Rivera Auffantt
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: ARID Construction
- Photographer: Camelia Rivera Dones – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Marmotech Inc
- Industry: Manufacturing
- Entrepreneur: Maximino Díaz Menéndez
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: (787) 720-8500
- Website: https://www.marmotechpr.com/
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Marmotech: Fábrica de Baños Netamente Puertorriqueña
- Photographer: Nicole Díaz Muñoz – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Plantas de Caparra Inc.
- Industry: Agriculture
- Entrepreneur: Teresa Suárez
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @plantasdecaparra_caguas
- Phone Number: 787-286-2015
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Regando Felicidad Hoja por Hoja
- Photographer: Irmarie Sofía Lojo Pérez – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undegraduate
Business: La Placita Alma Fresca
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Félix Raúl Vega y Angélica Amirys Alicea
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @placita.almafresca
- Phone Number: 939-418-6884
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La Placita que da Alma y Frescura a Su Pueblo
- Photographer: Kianleez Santos Matos – Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Gurabo, Associate Degree
Business: Andrea Torres Art
- Industry: Advertising
- Entrepreneur: Andrea Torres Maldonado
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: @atorresart
- Phone Number: 787-955-3136
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Huellas de alegría
- Photographer: Irmalys Román González, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico Recinto Aguadilla, Bachillerato
Business: Carson Deyoung Art
- Industry: Visual Arts
- Entrepreneur: Carson Deyoung
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @depsone
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Artistas haciendo su arte
- Photographer: Yeriel Montalvo Castro, Universidad de Puerto Rico Aguadilla, Bachillerato
Business: La Tiendita Ágape
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and drink) and Retail (Books and Clothing)
- Entrepreneur:
- Contact Information:
- Location: Carr. #2 Marginal Jardines de Arecibo
- Instagram: @tiendita.agape
- Phone Number: 787-361-5900
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Ágape
- Photographer: Heiling M. Camilo Sepúlveda, Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto Carolina, Bachillerato
Business: El Limberito
- Industry: Mobile Business
- Entrepreneur: Don José Padín
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-354-0200
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Refrescante tradición que aún emprende
- Photographer: Amaia I. Correa Arroyo, Colegio Marista Manatí, 10mo grado
Business: ReNuevo Lawn Services
- Industry: Lawn Care
- Entrepreneur: Dennis Maldonado
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Renuevo Lawn Services
- Instagram: @renuevolawnservices
- Phone Number: 939-415-8622
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: ReNuevo Lawn Services
- Photographer: Jesimar Paola Agosto Ocasio, Ileana De Gracia Vega Alta, 10mo grado
Business: NaluBrunette
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Adriana Paola Ortiz Berrios
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: @NaluBrunette
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Un jardín hecho a mano
- Photographer: Joanelis Padilla Padilla, Universidad Del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Alo Natural Esthetic
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Alondra Valentín
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Alo•Natural•Esthetic.
- Instagram: @alo.natural.esthetic
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Alo Natural Esthetic
- Photographer: Janira Cotto Roque
Business: David Rodríguez
- Industry: Visual Arts and Fashion
- Entrepreneur: David Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @davidrodz_
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: David en su taller
- Photographer: Luna Garcia Fuentes, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: EuroJapón
- Industry: Automotive Retail
- Entrepreneur: Manuel Lugo
- Contact Information:
- Website: https://eurojaponpr.com/
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Familia Más Allá del Concesionario
- Photographer: Valeria Rodríguez – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Grisha Tattoo
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Kevin Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @Grisha.tattoo
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Grisha Tattoo
- Photographer: Alanis Padilla Cruz – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Impulse Creative
- Industry: Performing Arts Education
- Entrepreneur: Anthony Omar y Jean Alejandro
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @impulsecreativeofficial
- Phone Number: 939-251-3571
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Impulse Creative
- Photographer: Nicole Rosado Pérez – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undegraduate
Business: Kanelle
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Patricia Fajardo
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: @kanellepr
- Phone Number: 787-740-5154
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Kanelle: Akanela tu día
- Photographer: Sofía Amundaray Villares, Colegio Maristas de Guaynabo, 10mo grado
Business: Luminaria
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Yolanda Torres Urbina y Sofia Leyvas Collazo
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @luminaria_pr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Manos Prósperas
- Photographer: Jacqueline M. Algarín Santos – Colegio de Cinematografía, Artes y Televisión, Associate Degree
Business: Olimac Uniforms
- Industry: Apparel Retail
- Entrepreneur: Miguel Camilo
- Contact Information:
- Website: https://olimacuniforms.com/
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Manos a la Obra con Miguel Camilo
- Photographer: Valeria Camilo – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Rosa Corta
- Industry: Production and Performing Arts
- Entrepreneur: Yeriel “Yeyo” Rosario Cortés
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Entre risas con Yeyo
- Photographer: Sebastian Pabón Miranda
Business: The Rare Studio
- Industry: Visual Arts
- Entrepreneur: Paola Lugo
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: The Rare Studio
- Photographer: VJasué Pastrana Nevárez – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Tierrita Mush PR
- Industry: Home Decor Retail
- Entrepreneur: Amanda Rivera
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @tierritamush
- Facebook: “Tierrita Mush PR”
- Delivery throughout all of Puerto Rico
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Vida en un Envase
- Photographer: Mariam López – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate @phot.ographybymariam
Business: William Barber
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: William González
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @w.liambarber
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: William y su Proceso de Llegar a la Meta
- Photographer: Yesiel Quiles Matos – Universidad Interamericana Recinto de Bayamón, Undegraduate
Cabo Rojo
Business: Por Onza
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Wilvette González Ortíz
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @poronza
- Website: https://poronza.com/
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Por Onzas de Magia
- Photographer: Keyra Montalvo Cordero – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico, Graduate
Business: Puesto #12
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Sr. Benito Feliciano
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: De Aquí y Para Todos Plaza del Mercado
- Photographer: Yarielis Sierra Rivera – Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez, Undergraduate
Business: Bistro Bar
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Roberto Karlo Rodríguez Erazo
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @bistrobarpr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Legado Culinario Plaza del Mercado
- Photographer: Geisiane A. Méndez Barrios – Atlantic University College, Undergraduate
Business: EP Gallery by PIRI
- Industry: Retail (Jewelry)
- Entrepreneur: Elizabeth Pirela
- Contact Information:
- Website: www.epgallerypr.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Jewelry and accessories
- Photographer: Karianna Vázquez Medina, Colegio Maristas de Guaynabo, 10mo grado
Business: Jun Barber
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Héctor Jariel Reyes Morales
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: (939) 881-9106
- Instagram: jun_barbeeer
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Retrato del “Joseo”
- Photographer: Jarivette Reyes Morales, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: San Juan Hoptical Clínica Visual
- Industry: Healthcare
- Entrepreneur: Edric Vivoni
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Mi Misión es tu Visión
- Photographer: Isabella Vivoni Wiley – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Loíza Valley MRI & CT Center
- Industry: Healthcare
- Entrepreneur: Dr. Fernando López Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Website: http://www.loizavalleymri.com/
- Social Media: @loizavalleymri
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Leyendo Imágenes
- Photographer: Verónica LaRosa Caraballo – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Negocio de Roberto de la Cruz
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Roberto de la Cruz
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Los Colores de Roberto
- Photographer: Isaí Morales Rivas – Escuela Especializada Central de Artes Visuales, 12mo grado
Business: Afros’ Lashes Studio
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Alisha Nicole Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: afroslash_studio_by.nicole
- Facebook: Afros’Lash Studio By Nicole
- Phone Number: 787-240-5041
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Afros’ Lashes Studio
- Photographer: Kristaly R. Sánchez Pérez – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Cada de Luz
- Industry: Healthcare
- Entrepreneur: Eneida Rivera Olavarría
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @caja_de_luz__
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Cuna de la luz
- Photographer: Suleiann Lopez Rivera, Escuela Central de Artes Visuales, 10mo grado
Business: D’Ann Medical & Estetique
- Industry: Healthcare and Personal Service
- Entrepreneur: Dra. Ana Ramírez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: D’Ann Medical & Esthetique
- Phone Number: 787-757-5100
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La Medicina, Su Pasión
- Photographer: Lizbet Alberto Muñoz – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Fisiatra Dra. Minette Colón Jiménez
- Industry: Healthcare
- Entrepreneur: Dra. Minette Colón Jiménez
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La Emprendedora con Sueños Grandes
- Photographer: Emma Riefkohl – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: La Tornillera y Ferretería
- Industry: Retail (Hardware)
- Entrepreneur: José “Rico” Morales
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: La Tornillera Y Ferretería
- Phone Number: 787-257-3838
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: ¿Tienes el “cosito” para el “coso”?
- Photographer: Marie Guzmán Mass – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Leticia Bren Events
- Industry: Event Planning
- Entrepreneur: Leticia Otero Bren
- Contact Information:
- Email: [email protected]
- Instagram: @leticiabren.events
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Arte de la planificación perfecta
- Photographer: Laura Fermín Bren, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Artesanías de Ninoshka Gómez
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Ninoshka Gómez
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-562-4873
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Arte nos Une
- Photographer: Kiranys González Cruz – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: El Punto Sabroso
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Alfredo Emerson
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @el_punto_sabroso
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Punto Sabroso (2023)
- Photographer: Alejandra I. Orengo Ortiz – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Estatua Vivente
- Industry: Performing Arts
- Entrepreneur: José Antonio Coronel Rosado
- Contact Information:
- Instagram @estatuavivienteceiba
- Facebook @jose.coronel.9849?mibextid=PtKPJ9
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El arte detrás del estatuismo viviente
- Photographer: Samuel A. Rivera Adorno, Colegio de Cinematografía, Arte y Televisión, Grado Asociado
Business: La Geoda Quartz Store & Reiki Center
- Industry: Health and Wellness
- Entrepreneur: Daisy Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @lageodaquartzstorepr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Cuarzos Negros
- Photographer: Janiel Ortiz Pérez – Escuela Superior Vocacional Benjamín Harrison, 9th grade
Business: Soap Bar PR
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Heather Baus
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Espuma y amor
- Photographer: Ariana Sofía Yulián Rosso, Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Café Victoria
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Samuel Díaz
- Contact Information:
- Facebook & Instagram: @cafevictoriapr
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 939-655-3058
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El espíritu del emprendedor
- Photographer: Karla D. Ayala Ortiz, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes de Humacao Anita Otero Hernández, 12mo grado
Business: Colmado Santos
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Sr. Félix Santos Méndez
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-739-8827
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Colmado Santos
- Photographer: Janaira Del Valle Díaz – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Luz Pastry
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink) and Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Mariluz Arzola
- Contact Information:
- Facebook and Instagram: @luzpastry
- Phone Number: (787) 454-0378
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sonrisas con café
- Photographer: Luirianys Z. Rodriguez Santos, Escuela Especializada en Idiomas Luis Muñoz Iglesias, 9no grado
Business: Besitos de Azúcar
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Mía Valeria Cerda
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @besitos_de_azucar
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Besitos de Azúcar
- Photographer: Alondra Erneliz Ortiz Aguirre, Escuela José Felipe Zayas, 9no grado
Business: Creaciones puertorriqueñas Carmen López
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Carmen Ana López Robles
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: (787) 388-4403
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sombreros pintados a mano con toques puertorriqueños
- Photographer: Darlyn López López
Business: Alexis Style
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Alexis Padilla Cabrera
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @alexistyle_
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Style
- Photographer: Rodrigo Pérez González
Business: Huerto 3 Hermanos
- Industry: Agriculture
- Entrepreneur: Juliet Matos
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Huerto Tres Hermanos
- Phone Number: 787-248-5670
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Huerto 3 Hermanos: De la Tierra Pa’ la Comunidad
- Photographer: Giovaniel Torres Matos – Universidad Interamericana Bayamón, Undergraduate
Business: Unique Siri’s
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Enid M. Santiago De La Rosa
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-685-2606
- Social Media: Unique Siri’s
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Unique Siri’s
- Photographer: Endiel O. Burgos Santiago – Pablo D. Burgos, 10th grade
Business: El Ladrillo en Dorado
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: María Jiménez
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-796-2120
- Email: [email protected] Media: @elladrillorest
- Website: elladrillorest.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Corazón de un Mesón Gastronómico
- Photographer: Adrielys Camacho – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: El spot del colombiano
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: César Valencia Santamaría y Mayte Mercado Figueroa
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Juntos creamos una explosión de sabores
- Photographer: Adriana M Huertas Cruz
Business: Cremaldi
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Magali Sandoz
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Cremaldi “La Casa del Mantecado Frito”
- Instagram: @cremaldi_787
- Location: Calle Unión #62, Fajardo.
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La heladería del pueblo
- Photographer: Edwin Yahir Romero Castro, Colegio Congregacion Mita, 12mo grado
Business: Jose Manuel Rivera Rosa
- Industry: Automotive
- Entrepreneur: Jose Manuel Rivera Rosa
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Taller Barreta
- Photographer: Josephine Rivera Avillán, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Andino MUA
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Kimberly Andino
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @andino_mua
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sín título
- Photographer: Hermarie Montalvo – Academia Serrant, Certificate
Business: Púrpura Acai Smoothies and Juice Bar
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: José Colón
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @purpurapr
- Facebook: Púrpura Acai Smoothies and Juice Bar
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Púrpura
- Photographer: Roennie Rodríguez Martínez – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Café Campo Adentro de la Hacienda Casanova
- Industry: Agriculture
- Entrepreneur: Marilyn Casanova Pagán
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Mujer agricultora, mujer emprendedora
- Photographer: Arianaliz Torres Cruz – Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Cayey, Undergraduate
Business: Maquillista – Jahzeel Pedraja
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Jahzeel Pedraja
- Contact Information:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone Number: 787-214-4703
- Social Media: @jahzeel_ps_21
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Empoderando Nuestro Futuro
- Photographer: Deriel Hernández Ortiz – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Upa Upa Tiki Bar
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Gabriel Edwardo Caraballo Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Upa Upa Tiki Bar y Porta Guayanilla
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Tiki Food
- Photographer: Alondra Caraballo, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: Café Son
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Robison Cortés
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Café Son
- Instagram: @cafésonpr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: De la taza a la familia: El camino emprendedor de Robinson Cortés
- Photographer: Elizabeth Lobrace Castro, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Chicas on Wheels
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Beatriz Jover
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @chicasonwheels
- Website: www.chicasaccesories.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Rinconcito de Creatividad
- Photographer: Paola Cotto Jover – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: D’Nails by Delmarie
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Delmarie Mendoza
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: D’Nails by Del
- Instagram: dnails.bydelma
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Pinceladas de color y magia
- Photographer: Camila A. González Mendoza, Atlantic University College, Bachillerato
Business: Escuela Empresarial Mujer Creativa
- Industry: Business Education and Consulting
- Entrepreneur: Ginny Maria Barley Cedeño
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Mujer Creativa
- Phone Number: 787-923-2333
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Mujer creativa
- Photographer: Jaylahni Arroyo Rodríguez, Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Isabel Pérez Franceschini
- Industry: Visual Arts
- Entrepreneur: Isabel Pérez Franceschini
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @isabelpf_art
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Plátanos y pinceles
- Photographer: Susana Mayol, Academia Maria Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Maiteria Prima
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Maite Torregrosa Cueto
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @maiteriaprima
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Embarre
- Photographer: Jade Christiansen González – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
- Photography Title: Del Barro
- Photographer: Ivonne Arce Hernández – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Paola’s Business
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Paola Cotto
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-423-906
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La Perseverancia
- Photographer: Camila Quiñones Drouyn – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Pasajero 17
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Malloy Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @pasajero 17
- Website: www.pasajero17.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information
- Photography Title: Café del alma
- Photographer: Faviola Olivero – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Passarell Arts
- Industry: Visual Arts
- Entrepreneur: Giovanna Pasarell
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Pasarell Arts
- Instagram: giovannapasarell
- Website: https://www.giovannapasarell.com/
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information
- Photography Title: Entre arte y flores
- Photographer: Paula Muñoz Santiago
Business: Piccola Shop
- Industry: Retail (Apparel)
- Entrepreneur: Mariana Flores
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information
- Photography Title: Las niñas del deporte
- Photographer: Paola Layer, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Remodelaciones González Jr.
- Industry: Woodworking/Carpentry
- Entrepreneur: José González
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @remodelacionesgonzalezjr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El único modo de hacer un gran trabajo es amar lo que haces
- Photographer: Camila A. González Mendoza – Escuela Margarita Janer Palacios, 12th grade
Business: The Bunker Board Game Café
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Laura Elena Bonilla
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @TheBunker.pr
- Phone Number: 787-277-5579
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: ¡Juegos, café y risas!
- Photographer: Irmarie Sofía Lojo Pérez, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Vagattela
- Industry: Retail (Handicrafts and Jewelry)
- Entrepreneur: Verónica Muñoz
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: @vagattela
- Website: vagattela.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El entrelazado
- Photographer: Ana Sophia García
Business: Yellow Trans
- Industry: Transportation and Logistics
- Entrepreneur: Carlos M. Figueroa Vega
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La Tercera Generación
- Photographer: Karla Figueroa Cartagena – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Arreglos por Hilda Rodríguez
- Industry: Retail (Floral Arrangements)
- Entrepreneur: Hilda Rodríguez
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Florecer
- Photographer: Vanessa Psarras Román – Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Mayagüez, Undergraduate
Business: Vaca Negra
- Industry: Food Processing
- Entrepreneur: Wanda Otero
- Contact Information:
- Instagram y Facebook: @vacanegrapr
- Phone Number: 787-262-5656
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sabor paciencia
- Photographer: Kicharemis Serrano Alicea, Universidad Interamericana Recinto de Arecibo, Bachillerato
Business: Poca Vergüenza, William Eduardo LLC, 30 Minute Car Wash y Ann Duran LLC
- Industry: Automotive
- Entrepreneur: William Eduardo García y Annelys Durán
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Desde una ventana: El reflejo de perseverancia
- Photographer: Verónica Silva Hernández
Business: Limonadas Para Ti By: Lilly
- Industry: Retail (Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Laylianis Díaz De Jesús
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Limonadas Para ti by Lilly
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Limonadas Para Ti By: Lilly
- Photographer: Nayla Sofía Díaz De Jesús, Escuela Ana Roque de Duprey, 9no grado
Business: Luna’z Coffee Bar
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Ángel Gadiel Cartagena Ocasio
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Luna’z Coffee Bar
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Seguimos colando
- Photographer: Dawin J. Velázquez Alejandro, Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto Humacao, Bachillerato
Business: Academia de Música JESG
- Industry: Performing Arts Education
- Entrepreneur: José E. Santiago Gómez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Academia de Música JESG
- Instagram: @academiademusicajesg
- Phone Number: 939-640-8720
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Academia de Música JESG emprender con la música
- Photographer: Uziel J. Santiago Rosario, Esc. Dr. Heriberto Domenech, 9no grado
Business: Canario Properties
- Industry: Hospitality
- Entrepreneur: Fabiola Feliciano Díaz
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @canarioproperties, @afabcomplex
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Emprendedora de Sueños
- Photographer: Jarelys N. Merle Crespo – Escuela Especializada en Idiomas Alcides Figueroa, 10th grade
Juana Díaz
Business: Luis Di Barber
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Luis Daniel Cintrón González
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @luisdi_barber
- Email: [email protected]
- Location: PR-540 Rio Canas abajo, Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El éxito tras una pandemia
- Photographer: Jaelys Lopez, Academia Serrant
Las Piedras
Business: Doña Flor
- Industry: Animal Care
- Entrepreneur: Doña Flor
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-461-3197
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sonrisas paralelas
- Photographer: Camila Rivera Ávila
Business: NJ Studio
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Ninoshka J. Rivera Huertas
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: NJ Studio
- Instagram: @nj_studio.pr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Rizos, risas y amor propio
- Photographer: Zaily Rodríguez Delgado
Business: Junte Loiceño
- Industry: Arts and Culture
- Entrepreneur: Maribella Burgos
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @junteloiceno
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Maribella Burgos: Gestora Cultural
- Photographer: Nicole Franco Colón – NUC University, División Técnica IBC Caguas, 4th Bimester
Business: Kiosko Las Dos Palmas
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Eduardo Rivera Calderón
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: (787) 210-5619
- Facebook: Kiosko Las Dos Palmas en Piñones
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: A Leña
- Photographer: Daniella Castillo Pérez – Carvin School, 9th grade
Business: R&P Properties
- Industry: Hospitality & Tourism
- Entrepreneur: Eleni Prieto
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Empresaria en Acción
- Photographer: Fabiola Rosado – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Comunidad Bohique
- Industry: Healthcare
- Entrepreneur: Raquel Laureano Palma
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @comunidad_bohique
- Phone Number: 939-499-7655
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Emprendedora y Sanadora: La Historia Detrás de Comunidad Bohique, Donde los Caballos Ayudan a Cambiar Vidas
- Photographer: Fabiola Rodríguez Darder – Universidad Albizu, Graduate
Business: Kahakai Driftwoods
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Yarisis Feliciano Minguela
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-346-1606
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Yarisis Feliciano Minguela
- Photographer: Christian Pagán Millán – Escuela Especializada en Ciencias y Matemáticas Nueva Brígida Álvarez Rodríguez, 11th grade
Business: Super Danny’s Market
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Daniel García
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-861-7100
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Super Danny’s Market, Comprometido con Maunabo
- Photographer: Kellybeth Suárez Martínez – Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Humacao, Undergraduate
Business: Borishop PR
- Industry: Stationery Retail
- Entrepreneur: John B. Castilloveitia Vega
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @borishoppr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Dejando un grano de arena
- Photographer: Adriana Sepúlveda Mangual – Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Mayagüez, Undergraduate
Business: Finca Cocuyo
- Industry: Agriculture
- Entrepreneur: Wadner Javier Molina Tavales
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @fincacocuyo
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sembrando para cosechar un mejor futuro
- Photographer: Adriana Sepúlveda Mangual
Business: PRISCO
- Industry: Pharmaceutical
- Entrepreneur: Pedro López
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: prisco_salt
- Phone Number: 787-834-6140
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Big Pedro
- Photographer: Ana María López Lebrón
Business: Slow Earthy
- Industry: Apparel Retail
- Entrepreneur: Rosa Bennazar
- Contact Information:
- Facebook e Instagram: @slow.earthy
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Amor a la segunda mano
- Photographer: Alexandra Meléndez Agrelo, Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto Mayagüez, Bachillerato
Business: Sisu Milks
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Aixa Rodríguez y José Cruz
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @sisu_milks
- Website: www.sisumilks.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Día de Mercado con Sisu Milk
- Photographer: Aleshka M. Fernández Rodríguez – Escuela Superior Dr. Juan José Maunez Pimentel, 10th grade
Business: CMG Construction LLC
- Industry: Construction
- Entrepreneur: Carlos Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone Number: 787-376-3110
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La Pasión de mi Padre
- Photographer: Carla M. Rodríguez Ojeda – Universidad Interamericana Recinto de Bayamón, Undergraduate
Business: Di Amalfi PR
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Gabriel Hernández Dros y Bianca Hernández Acevedo
- Contact Information:
- Website: https://www.diamalfipr.com/
- Facebook & Instagram: @diamalfipr
- Phone Number: 787-483-8686
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Descubriendo la autenticidad: Detrás de Di Amalfi PR
- Photographer: Jarelys N. Merle Crespo, Escuela Especializada en Idiomas Alcides Figueroa, 11mo grado
Business: La Señora de los Pasteles
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: José E. Pérez Rosado
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-359-6951
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Más que un trabajo es el legado de una familia
- Photographer: Andrea Paola Rodriguez Seda – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Artwen
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Arwen J. Vázquez De Jesús
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @Artwen.04
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El arte del realismo que cobra vida
- Photographer: Kalyd E. Olivera Medina
Business: Estudio de Harry Santos en el Centro Cultural Carmen Sola de Pereira de Ponce
- Industry: Visual Arts
- Entrepreneur: Harry Santos
- Contact Information:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone Number: (787) 420-9033
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Pintando la identidad puertorriqueña con pasión y compromiso
- Photographer: Fabiola Febre Martínez, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Limber de Frappe KM
- Industry: Retail (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Kiriataim Burgos Cruz
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Limber de frappé KM
- Instagram: limber_de_frappe_km
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Triunfo sobre la adversidad
- Photographer: Alondra Ramos Bermejo
Business: Simple Gusto
- Industry: Retail (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Cosme Colón
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Simple Gusto
- Instagram: @SimpleGustoPonce
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Simple gusto
- Photographer: Julián Pagán Torres, Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Ponce, Bachillerato
Business: Sugar Dreams by Lizmarie
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Lizmarie Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: Sugar Dreams by Lizmarie
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Dulces Sueños
- Photographer: Diana N. Collazo Hernández – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico, Undergraduate
Río Grande
Business: Mojitos to Go and More
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Zaribel F. Ortiz Sierra
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @mojitosexigentes and @mojitosto.go
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: De Enfermera a Emprendedora
- Photographer: Pedro E. Meléndez Ortiz – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Sabana Grande
Business: Entrelazas
- Industry: Retail (Accessories)
- Entrepreneur: Lesbia Rivera Montes
- Contact Information:
- Istagram: @entre.lazas
- Facebook: Entrelazas
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Entre hilos y amor
- Photographer: Javier Soto Rivera
Business: Farmacias Sagrado Corazón I y II
- Industry: Pharmaceuticals
- Entrepreneur: Lcda. Ilianette Miranda Vélez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Farmacia Sagrado Corazon
- Website: sagradocorazononline.com
- Phone Numbers: 787-873-7676 & 939-910-7920
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Salud para el pueblo
- Photographer: Youska Y. Muñiz Viera
Business: Yayita Curly Hair
- Industry: Retail (Beauty and Personal Care)
- Entrepreneur: Yayita
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @yayitacurlyhair
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Una idea con gran futuro
- Photographer: Mariana Quiñones – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico, Undergraduate
Business: Venta de piraguas
- Industry: Food and Beverage Retail
- Entrepreneur: Pedro Martínez
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Piragüas
- Photographer: Fabiola Quiñones Vélez – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
San Juan
Business: Abanicos Garriga
- Industry: Retail (Home Appliances)
- Entrepreneur: Javier Garriga
- Contact Information:
- Website: https://www.abanicosgarriga.com
- Phone Number: 787-995-7770
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sin Título
- Photographer: Paulina Garriga Torres – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Bikes n Buds
- Industry: Retail
- Entrepreneur: Sarahí Mercado
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @bikesnbudspr
- Phone Number: 787-354-8820
- Website: www.Bikesnbudspr.com
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: The Art of the Bike Mechanic
- Photographer: Levi Mulder – Robinson School, 11th grade
Business: Beauty on Wheels
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Karina Quiles
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @beautyonwheelspr
- Deliveries in San Juan, Dorado, Río Grande, Canóvanas and Luquillo
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La Mujer Empresarial Puertorriqueña
- Photographer: Ariana Sofía González Miranda – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Biaggi & Faure Fine Art
- Industry: Visual Arts
- Entrepreneur: Carlos Faure
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: biaggifaure
- Facebook: biaggifaure
- Phone Number: 787-450-8132
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El compromiso con Puerto Rico
- Photographer: Briana Faure Biaggi
Business: BUNS Burger Shop
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Fidel Alonso y Benjamín Aruca
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @bunsburgershop
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: BUNS Love
- Photographer: Pia Villavicencio Alonso, Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Caribe Compostables
- Industry: Packaging
- Entrepreneur: Jorge Carlos Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @caribe_compostables
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Fecha de Expiración
- Photographer: Giancarlo Rivera Mercado – Escuela Especializada Central de Artes Visuales, 11th grade
Business: CentroCortinas
- Industry: Cortinas
- Entrepreneur: Jorge Ricardo Trogolo Irizarry
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: CentroCortinas Roosevelt
- Instagram: @centrocortinas
- Phone Number: 787-782-0376
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Visión entretejida
- Photographer: Camila Trogolo, Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: El Ángel Sport Kites
- Industry: Retail (Food, Drink and Kites)
- Entrepreneur: Meredith
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: ¡Cómo vuela nuestra cultura!
- Photographer: Daniela Touma Sánchez, Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Colorido
- Industry: Handicraft Retail
- Entrepreneur: Adriana Ginorio
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Colorido
- Photographer: Isabella Martínez Martínez – Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Enigma Jewelry
- Industry: Retail (Jewelry)
- Entrepreneur: Camelia Zamora y Alejandra Ruiz
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @enigma.shopr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sin Título
- Photographer: Carla Marina Velázquez Ortiz – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Equipos Pro Convalecencias (EPC Nutrix)
- Industry: Medical Equipment
- Entrepreneur: Jaime Pla
- Contact Information:
- Website: www.epcnutrix.com
- Phone Number: 787-751-1550
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sin Título
- Photographer: Verónica Pla
Business: E-Trends Group
- Industry: Accounting
- Entrepreneur: Camelia Zamora y Alejandra Ruiz
- Contact Information:
- Location: 954 Ponce De León Ave Miramar Plaza Center, Ste 806, San Juan, PR 00907
- Phone Number: (787) 691-0107
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: CPA’s en Puerto Rico
- Photographer: Eugenia Landivar Macias
Business: Fotógrafa Ariane Pérez Piñero
- Industry: Fotografia
- Entrepreneur: Ariane Pérez Piñero
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @ariane.days
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Behind the Scenes at 2am
- Photographer: Ariane Pérez-Piñero, Atlantic University, Maestría
Business: Fitverz
- Industry: Fitness and Wellness
- Entrepreneur: José Velilla
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: @fitverz
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Innovando vidas
- Photographer: Alana Muñiz Andrew, Colegio Maristas de Guaynabo, 10mo grado
Business: Frappe Rústico
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Raúl
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @Frapperustico
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Los Frappes de Santurce
- Photographer: Laura I. Colón Trinidad – Escuela Especializada Central de Artes Visuales, 12th grade
Business: Función Atelier
- Industry: Handicraft Retail
- Entrepreneur: Sr. Irvin Cofresí
- Contact Information:
- Website: https://www.funcionatelier.com/
- Social Media: @funcion.atelier
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Función Atelier
- Photographer: Melvin A. Aponte Toledo – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: FX Hair Studio
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Lynette Colón Otero
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @fxhairstudio
- Phone Number: 787-781-4440
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Un Sueño y Una Sonrisa
- Photographer: Adriana I. Torres Rivera – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Ginny B Collections
- Industry: Retail (Jewelry)
- Entrepreneur: Ginny Alicea Barley
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @inari.aoife
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sonrisas que venden
- Photographer: Adriana Arán Reyes, Academia Maria Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Ice Cream Seller
- Industry: Food Retail
- Contact Information:
- You may find him in Old San Juan
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Mantecado en Viejo San Juan, una Empresa Tradicional
- Photographer: Gabriela Sofía Torregrosa Nazario – Escuela Especializada Central de Artes Visuales, 11th grade
Business: Ilitos Necklaces
- Industry: Retail
- Entrepreneur: Carola Nassar
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @ilitos__necklaces
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: De María Reina al Mundo
- Photographer: Angélica Cobián Garity – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Ivette Pabón
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Ivette Pabón
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-457-9232
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Del taller al alma
- Photographer: Jean Paul Cruz Rivera, Universidad Interamericana de Bayamón, Bachillerato
Business: J.A. Güiros
- Industry: Retail (Musical instruments)
- Entrepreneur: Jesús Lozada García y Awilda Lozada Díaz
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @j.a.guiros
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Tocamos porque tocamos
- Photographer: Neithan Cruz Montalvo
Business: Japi No Worries
- Industry: Retail (clothing)
- Entrepreneur: Japi
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @JapiNoWorries
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El autobús de felicidad
- Photographer: Adriana Elisa Jimenez Marty, Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Kókomo
- Industry: Retail (clothing)
- Entrepreneur: Luis Gordillo
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Korazón de Kókomo
- Photographer: Cristina Rivera Gordillo, Academia Maria Reina, 12mo grado
Business: La Preña
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Francisco Joaquín Ramos Mendoza “Paquin”
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @la_prena
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Satisfecho Gracias a Ti
- Photographer: Mía González – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Lulo’s Sweet & Savory
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Andrea Santiago
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @Lulos.Sweets
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Un Éxito que Puedes Saborear
- Photographer: Doralice Rivera Del Valle – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Medicina de Familia
- Industry: Healthcare
- Entrepreneur: Dra. Julieta Montilla Adsuar
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: (787) 765-0680
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Diferentes Maneras de Ver la Medicina
- Photographer: Julieta Collazo Montilla – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Nicboutique
- Industry: Apparel Retail
- Entrepreneur: Yvonne Muñoz
- Contact Information:
- Website: www.nicboutique.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Pasión que Me Hace Felíz
- Photographer: Isabel Fernós Morales – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Novopet Dog Care & Delivery Services
- Industry: Pet Care
- Entrepreneur:
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: @novopet.inc
- Email: www.novopetcare.com.
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El hotel de perros
- Photographer: Maya Betancourt Cortés, Colegio Maristas de Guaynabo, 10mo grado
Business: Optimus Business Transformation
- Industry: Software
- Entrepreneur: Héctor Negrón
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @optimus_bt
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El jedi de la caja: Héctor y su inteligencia artificial
- Photographer: Isabella Negrón Regalado
Business: Paolo’s Playhouse
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: José Eduardo Pérez Bofill
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @paolosplayhousepr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Evocando a Paolo: aroma de café
- Photographer: Ana Lucía Pérez Muñoz, Colegio Maristas de Guaynabo, 10mo grado
Business: Paonessa Alfrombras
- Industry: Retail (Carpet and Flooring)
- Entrepreneur: Lovanna Paonessa
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: (787) 268-6167
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Dueña de Paonessa Alfombras
- Photographer: Annarosa Rodríguez Paonessa – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Pegasus Group Inc.
- Industry: Construction and Project Management
- Entrepreneur: Jorge López
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Emprendedor de la Gente
- Photographer: Samantha López – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: QCPR Inc.
- Industry: Consulting
- Entrepreneur: Pablo Pérez Cardona
- Contact Information:
- Website: www.qcprinc.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El amor familiar detrás del emprendimiento de Pablo Pérez Cardona
- Photographer: Andrea Pérez Díaz, Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: Reload
- Industry: Apparel Retail
- Entrepreneur: Amanda Villafañe Febres
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @reload.pr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Dirige, Modela y Emprende
- Photographer: Camelia Sofía Zamora Vázquez – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Sándalo Detalles Cristianos
- Industry: Retail (Religious Items)
- Entrepreneur: Kevyz Fernández
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Puerto Rico Emprende
- Photographer: Lerrianne Mulero López, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Sorbo Café
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Cristina Figueroa y José Medina
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @sorbocafepr
- Phone Number: (787) 995-7747
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El primer sorbo te hará suspirar y con el último querrás regresar
- Photographer: Elimar Vázquez Álvarez, Colegio Congregación Mita, 8vo grado
Business: Target Point
- Industry: Publicity
- Entrepreneur: Daniel Ramy Liendo y Midel Gómez
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Compañía llena de recuerdos
- Photographer: Ivanna Ramy Rodríguez, Academia María Reina, 12mo grado
Business: UglySister
- Industry: Retail (Apparel
- Entrepreneur: Adriana Mercedes González Pando
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @ugly_sister
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La hermana fea
- Photographer: Lucía Hernández González
Business: San Juan Placita Tito #8
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Jorge Otero
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: www.facebook.com/placitatito
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Agua de Coco
- Photographer: Nayrim Vázquez – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Vendedora de agua fría
- Industry: Mobile Business
- Entrepreneur: Raquel Villanueva Lias
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Espíritu de perseverancia
- Photographer: Marieliz Falero Marrero, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Venta de Dulces
- Industry: Food Retail
- Entrepreneur: Ángel Recci
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: El señor de los dulces
- Phone Number: 787-597-4673
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Señor de los Dulces y su Perseverancia
- Photographer: Yanibell Méndez – Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Undergraduate
Business: Viva Clinic
- Industry: Healthcare
- Entrepreneur: Dra. Valerie Stipes
- Contact Information:
- Website: https://valeriestipes.com/ and https://vivaclinicpr.com/
- Phone Number: 787- 565-9196
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Protegiendo la Salud Mental
- Photographer: Malena Román Giovannetti – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
Business: Waterworks Auto Reconditioning LLC
- Industry: Automotive
- Entrepreneur: Pedro Cortés Vélez
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: (787) 448-9449
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: De la Mejor Calidad
- Photographer: Edanna Cortés Vélez – Academia María Reina, 12th grade
San Lorenzo
Business: Negocio de Ismael Machín River
- Industry: Agriculture & Food Processing
- Entrepreneur: Ismael Machín Rivera
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Manos a la obra
- Photographer: Kevin M. Machín Soto, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Tacita Dulce
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: María Nieves
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @tacitadulcecoffeeandbistro
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Más allá del Brunch
- Photographer: Carolina Del Valle Faria – Colegio de Cinematografía Artes y Televisión, Associate Degree
Santa Isabel
Business: Bananera Buenos Aires
- Industry: Agriculture
- Entrepreneur: Javier Vélez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Bananera Buenos Aires
- Phone Number: (787) 897-2935
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Tractor y el Sector Agrícola
- Photographer: Esdras Juarbe Santos – Colegio Santa Gema, 12th grade
Business: Dulce Bocadito
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Sandra P. Morales
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Dulce Bocadito
- Instagram: dulcebocaditopr
- Phone Number: (787) 204-1677
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Vamos por un Dulce
- Photographer: Amanda P. Couto Morales – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Toa Alta
Business: Casa Sopas
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Sam Soto
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: casasopaspr
- Instagram: @casasopas
- Website: www.casasopas.com
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Con el sazón de Abuela
- Photographer: Celianette García Feliciano, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Toa Baja
Business: Boho Nails Studio
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Diana Ramírez
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @boho_nails_studio
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Amor de Una Madre Emprendedora
- Photographer: Eydan López Medina – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Business: Margoth Nails
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Marangely Pérez Rivera
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @Margothnails.bymara
- Phone Number: 787-362-3648
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Margoth Nails
- Photographer: Michael A. Rodríguez – Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Undergraduate
Trujillo Alto
Business: Daisy Pelos Salon
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Daisy Guadalupe Castros
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: DAISY pelos salón
- Phone Number: 787-312-0832, 787-624-2650
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Se tu propia versión de belleza
- Photographer: Amanda Enid Delgado Guadalupe, Escuela Central de las Artes Visuales, 10mo grado
Business: Floristería Ebenezer
- Industry: Retail
- Entrepreneur: Ruth Díaz
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: Floristeria Ebenezer Trujillo Alto
- Phone Number: (787) 755-5644
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Entre Espinas y Belleza
- Photographer: Naara Díaz Morales – Covenant Private School, 11th grade
Business: FJ Electric Service
- Industry: Automobile Repair
- Entrepreneur: Francisco J. Vega Torres
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-644-5363
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Héroe sin capa
- Photographer: Génesis Vega Collazo, Escuela Central de las Artes Visuales, 10mo grado
Business: Michelle’s Salón
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Michelle Ramos
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Cosmetóloga en acción
- Photographer: Laura Cuesta Cervoni, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Vega Baja
Business: Martínez Dairy
- Industry: Agriculture & Food Processing
- Contact Information:
- Social Media: @martinezdairy
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Dulce Leche
- Photographer: Noah Santiago Irizarry – Colegio Cristiano Oscar Correa Agosto Mayagüez, 9th grade
Business: Ahorro Gomas
- Industry: Automobile Parts Retail and Automobile Repair
- Entrepreneur: Grace Sepúlveda Chavier
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Emprendiendo el cambio
- Photographer: Kiara Sepulveda Mercado, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: Alfre2’s Pizza
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and drink)
- Entrepreneur: Alfredo José Quiñones Sánchez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Alfre2’s Pizza
- Instagram: @alfre2s_pizza
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Un triángulo de dedicación
- Photographer: Jalibeth Castro Cintrón, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: Boricua del Paseo
- Industry: Retail and Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Juan Carlos Albarrán y Kareema Shemakhi
- Contact Information:
- Location: Calle Comercio (Paseo del Café) en Yauco.
- Phone Number: 787-267-4558
- Facebook and Instagram: Boricua del Paseo
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Boricua del Paseo
- Photographer: Edmarie N. Martínez Torres , Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: Café Cafeito Yauco PR
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and drink)
- Entrepreneur: Manases Feliciano Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Entrepreneur’s Instagram: maanaasees
- Business’ Instagram: cafeitoyaucopr_official
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Café y conexión
- Photographer: Andrea Montalvo, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini, 12mo grado
Business: Carajillo Coffee House
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and drink)
- Entrepreneur: Lorraine Rodríguez Pérez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Carajillo Coffee House
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Arte en café
- Photographer: Javier Castro Soto, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: El Piragüero
- Industry: Retail (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Emmanuel Caraballo Quirós
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: El Piragüero
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Piragüero
- Photographer: Marializ Ruiz Caraballo, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: Fenix Barber Johy
- Industry: Barberia
- Entrepreneur: Johy Garcia Rodriguez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Fenix Barber Johy
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Estilo único
- Photographer: Edelmiro Caraballo Deliz, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: Joyería La Mia
- Industry: Retail (Jewelry)
- Entrepreneur: Ángel Ruiz Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Facebook: Joyería La Mía
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/p/Joyeria-La-Mia-100087903752896/
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sin miedo
- Photographer: Ángel Ruiz
Business: Koketerias
- Industry: Retail (Jewelry)
- Entrepreneur: Marie Diaz
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: koketeriasdemujer
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: Koketerias Jewelry
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Koketerias Jewelry
- Photographer: Fabianna D’. Christian Grana, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini, 12mo grado
Business: Nibscrew
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Gabino Torres
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: @Nibscrew
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Asicala’o
- Photographer: Reynaldo Andrés Almodovar Rodríguez, Escuela Superior Ocupacional y Técnica de Yauco, 9no grado
Business: Supermercado y Carnicería Napo Velez
- Industry: Grocery Store
- Entrepreneur: José Napo Velez Rosado
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: 787-892-4979
- Email: [email protected]
- Location: Also located in San Germán, Guayanilla, Hormigueros, and Mayagüez
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El corazón comunitario: Supermercado Napo Vélez
- Photographer: Naylia Burgos Torres, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini, 12mo grado
Business: Tinta Coffee House
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Drink)
- Entrepreneur: Jaica Serrano y Emmanuel Bonilla
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @tintacoffehouse
- Facebook: Tinta Coffee House
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Con un café se comienza todo
- Photographer: Yahir J. Rodriguez Quiñones, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: Viña, La Gran Pastelera
- Industry: Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
- Entrepreneur: Viña García
- Contact Information:
- Phone Number: (787) 233-9565
- Email: [email protected]
- Social Media: Viña La gran Pastelera
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: El Espíritu Empresarial de Puerto Rico: Viña, La Gran Pastelera de Yauco
- Photographer: Julián Pagán Torres – Escuela Superior Carmen Belén Veiga, 12th grade
Business: Yauco Soccer Complex
- Industry: Sports
- Entrepreneur: Emmanuel Martinez Rivera
- Contact Information:
- Facebook: Yauco FC Infantil y Juvenil
- Instagram: @YaucoFC
- Phone Number: 787-420-9223
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Yauco Fútbol Club
- Photographer: Jeremy A. Feliciano Quiles, Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes Ernesto Ramos Antonini Yauco, 12mo grado
Business: Baking with Martha
- Industry: Retail (Baked Goods)
- Entrepreneur: Martha R. Padilla Delgado
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: La repostera
- Photographer: Luzbria Pesante, Jaciel Christian Academy, 9no grado
Business: DiciembreVeintinueve
- Industry: Retail (Jewelry)
- Entrepreneur: Gabriela Berlingeri
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @diciembreveintinueve
- Website: www.diciembreveintinueve.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Creando Diciembre Veintinueve
- Photographer: Isabella V. Cruz Berlingeri, Colegio Maristas de Guaynabo, 10mo grado
Business: Ivita Oasis
- Industry: Personal Services
- Entrepreneur: Raissa N. Ouslan Ponce
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Oasis
- Photographer: Keimmy S. Colón Hernández, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Meraki Crochet
- Industry: Handicrafts Retail
- Entrepreneur: Yalixa Rodríguez
- Contact Information:
- Facebook & Instagram: @Ikaremcreacionesenhilo
- Website: ikaremcreacionesenhilo.com
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Hilando Sueños: La historia de Ikarem
- Photographer: Noah Sebastian Santiago Irizarry
Business: Miracle Mist PR
- Industry: Retail (Aromatic Products)
- Entrepreneur: Kevin M. Machín
- Contact Information:
- Instagram: @miraclemistpr
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Miracle Mist
- Photographer: Valerie B.Z. Piñeiro Anazagasty, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Bachillerato
Business: Productos Mi Encanto
- Industry: Retail
- Entrepreneur: Jan Carlos Journet Valle
- Contact Information:
- Facebook e Instagram: @ProductosMiEncanto
- Phone Number: 787-424-0490
- Email: [email protected]
- Portraits of Prosperity Entry Information:
- Photography Title: Sazones con inspiración
- Photographer: Sigrid Yamilka Flores Colón, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico Recinto de Aguadilla, Bachillerato