Are you an Act 60 resident in Puerto Rico? Interested in supporting CRECE’s mission?
Fundación Luis G. Fortuño d/b/a Centro para Renovación Económica, Crecimiento & Excelencia (CRECE, in Spanish) is a 501c3 organization which falls under Section 1101.01 of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code. For Act 60 investors, CRECE is included among the approved organizations in the list published by Comisión Especial Conjunta de Fondos Legislativos para Impacto Comunitario (CECFL).
By giving a tax-deductible gift to CRECE today, you are fostering a thriving and prosperous Puerto Rico. All gifts, regardless of size, help to advance our mission to cultivate free market solutions that promote self-reliance, economic growth, and social well-being in Puerto Rico and Hispanic communities in the United States.
Paypal / Credit Card:
“To donate via check, please make the check payable to:
Fundación Luis G. Fortuño
dba Centro CRECE,
PO Box 190913,
San Juan, PR 00919-0913”